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Toggle custom hook and component wrapper for React 🔦

Table of contents


pnpm install @kodingdotninja/use-toggle

Example usage

Toggle hook - useToggle()

Use it as your usual hooks. disable, enable, or toggle does not accept parameters so you can use it on onClick handlers.

import { useToggle } from "@kodingdotninja/use-toggle";

function App() {
const { state, disable, enable, set, toggle } = useToggle();
return (
<span>State: {state ? "enabled" : "disabled"}</span>
<button onClick={disable}>toggle</button>
<button onClick={enable}>toggle</button>
<button onClick={() => set(true)}>set true</button>
<button onClick={toggle}>toggle</button>

Toggle wrapper - <ToggleWrap />

Component which wraps the children with its internal hooks. Use this if you do not want to declare another component and just wrap it.

import { ToggleWrap } from "@kodingdotninja/use-toggle";

function App() {
return (
{({ state, disable, enable, set, toggle }) => (
<span>State: {state ? "enabled" : "disabled"}</span>
<button onClick={disable}>toggle</button>
<button onClick={enable}>toggle</button>
<button onClick={() => set(true)}>set true</button>
<button onClick={toggle}>toggle</button>

<ClientOnly />

Same as <ToggleWrap enableOnMount initialState={false} />, usually used on client-side only components.

import { ClientOnly } from "@kodingdotninja/use-toggle";

function App() {
return (


Read the full API documentation on https://kodingdotninja.github.io/use-toggle/.



MIT License, Copyright (c) 2024 Koding Ninja